The world of finance plays an important role on the international scene: therefore, breaking the language barriers is essential. Indeed, this sector caters to a variety of markets and the documents produced must be accessible to a multilingual audience.
Financial translations concern documents from the banking and insurance sectors, very specific texts that require a thorough and accurate knowledge of the subject and an excellent command of terminology. No information can be out of place, and the contents must be fully transmitted and well understood in the target language.

Translations for the banking sector
Banks operate in a complex and globalised market, offering services and tools that must be accessible to everyone, customers and employees alike.
Translations for the banking sector may relate to commercial contracts, shareholder reports, banking institution websites and other specific documentation.
Our professional translators have a proven track record and the right skills to clearly understand the specific complexities of this field. The banking language is quite complex, which is why every term used by our translators is taken from specific and official glossaries of institutional bodies such as the ECB, Bank of Italy, Italian Bourse and ABI.
Translations for the insurance sector
Translations for the insurance sector play an important role for companies that need to deal with multiple reference countries. From foreign health insurance claims to international property insurance, the market of insurance companies is increasingly diverse and global. Our team of professional translators helps companies in this sector to create effective communication in 100 languages, suitable for various types of target audience, supporting them in the growth and personalisation of their services.
What kind of financial documents does Qontent translate?
● bank statements
● mergers and acquisitions
● financial statements
● accounting documents
● reports
● insurance policies
● insurance claims